Airsoft tracer units are popular among airsoft enthusiasts, especially for night games or indoor environments where visibility can be limited. They enhance the experience by […]
Bullet weight
The weight of airsoft BBs (ball bearings) can vary significantly, and different BB weights are used for different purposes and styles of play. The most […]
Putting together the hopup unit
It is recommended that you first insert the hopup rubber into the inner barrel, then you insert the barrel into the empty hopup chamber. Have […]
Hopup back spinning
According to the Bernoulli’s principle, if a bullet is given a backspin an overpressure is formed under the bullet and an underpressure is formed on […]
High precision barrel
High precision barrel helps increase both the muzzle velocity and the accuracy of an AEG by downsizing the inner diameter from the stock 6.08mm to […]
Hopup and accuracy
Strictly speaking, the back spinning effect created by the hopup function often produce uncertainty and can lead to poorer accuracy. However, we have to face […]
Weakening hopup
Extreme cold weather can cause the hopup rubber to get hardened and break. Release the hopup rubber after every game and apply sufficient silicon oil […]
Barrel length and accuracy
With a short inner barrel, the only way to achieve better bullet stability is to use heavier BBs such as 0.25g. At the stock power […]
Barrel length
What is a quick and easy way to determine the cylinder to use for an extended barrel? Refer to the barrel length table below. If, […]